CYUSA TECH | Fire Extinguishers in Kigali: Stay Prepared with Cyusa Tech's Refills & Training
CYUSA TECH | Fire Extinguishers in Kigali: Stay Prepared with Cyusa Tech's Refills & Training

Fire Extinguishers in Kigali: Stay Prepared with Cyusa Tech’s Refills & Training

Fire extinguishers are the first line of defense against small fires, potentially saving lives and preventing significant property damage. Surprisingly, many people in Kigali are unsure how to use a fire extinguisher properly, when to get them refilled, or where to find refill services. Here at Cyusa Tech, fire safety is our priority. We provide high-quality fire extinguisher refills to keep you protected.

In this blog post, we’ll answer all your fire extinguisher questions:

  • Using a Fire Extinguisher Effectively: We’ll break down the PASS method (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep) in a clear and concise way.
  • Knowing When to Refill Your Extinguisher: We’ll explain the signs that your fire extinguisher needs refilling, such as a pressure gauge reading in the red zone or a noticeable weight decrease.
  • Why Choose Cyusa Tech for Refills? We’ll highlight the benefits of using Cyusa Tech for your fire extinguisher refills, including our use of high-quality materials and commitment to safety standards.

The Importance of Having a Fire Extinguisher

Fires can spread rapidly, causing devastating consequences. Having a readily available fire extinguisher can make a critical difference in containing a small fire before it grows out of control. However, remember, fire extinguishers are only for small fires. If you encounter a large fire, evacuate the building immediately and call the fire department.

Using a Fire Extinguisher: The PASS Method

Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher properly can be the difference between extinguishing a fire safely and putting yourself or others at risk. Here’s a quick guide to the PASS method:

    1. Locate the pull pin on the top handle of the fire extinguisher. It’s typically held in place by a safety clip.
    2. Grasp the pull pin firmly and pull it straight out of the extinguisher. You may hear a popping sound as the safety seal is broken.

      Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher properly in an emergency can be the difference between containing a small fire and facing a potentially dangerous situation. Here, we’ll break down the PASS method for fire extinguisher use in a clear and concise way, along with a helpful visual guide:

      The PASS Method:

      P – Pull:

    A – Aim:

    1. Once the pull pin is removed, the handle will be free to squeeze. However, don’t squeeze the lever yet!
    2. Hold the extinguisher upright with one hand on the handle and the other hand supporting the base.
    3. Aim the nozzle of the extinguisher at the base of the fire, where the flames are coming from.

    S – Squeeze:

    1. Squeeze the lever firmly and continuously to discharge the extinguishing agent.
    2. Maintain a safe distance from the fire as you discharge the extinguisher.

    S – Sweep:

    1. Move the nozzle in a sweeping motion from side to side to cover the entire base of the fire.
    2. Continue squeezing the lever and sweeping the nozzle until the flames appear to be extinguished.

    Additional Tips:

    • Remember: PASS is a general guideline. Always read the instructions on your specific fire extinguisher model before using it in an emergency. Some extinguishers may have slightly different steps.
    • Fight small fires only: Fire extinguishers are designed for small, contained fires. If you encounter a large fire, evacuate the building immediately and call the fire department.
    • Don’t turn your back on the fire: Once you start using the extinguisher, keep an eye on the fire to ensure it doesn’t reignite.
    • Know when to retreat: If the fire begins to grow or if you feel overwhelmed, evacuate the building and call for help.

Remember: It’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific fire extinguisher you have in your home or workplace. Some extinguishers may have slightly different instructions.


Fire extinguishers are vital safety equipment, acting as your first line of defense against small fires. But just like any tool, they require proper maintenance to function effectively. Knowing when to refill your fire extinguisher is crucial for ensuring it’s ready when you need it most.

Here’s a breakdown of the key signs that your fire extinguisher needs refilling:

1. Pressure Gauge:

  • Most fire extinguishers have a pressure gauge that indicates how much pressure is in the tank.
  • The gauge typically features a green zone (properly charged), a red zone (needs refilling), and a yellow zone (in between).
  • If the needle is in the red zone, it’s time for a refill.

CYUSA TECH | Fire Extinguishers in Kigali: Stay Prepared with Cyusa Tech's Refills & Training

2. Weight:

  • Fire extinguishers rely on internal pressure to propel the extinguishing agent.
  • A properly filled extinguisher will feel noticeably heavier than one that needs refilling.
  • If you lift your extinguisher and it feels significantly lighter than usual, it’s likely time for a service.

3. Tamper Seal:

  • Tamper seals are typically small plastic or wire loops that secure the locking pin on a fire extinguisher.
  • They prevent unauthorized tampering or accidental discharge.
  • If the tamper seal is broken or missing, it could indicate the extinguisher has been tampered with or may not function properly. Don’t attempt to use it and get it serviced immediately.

4. Annual Inspection:

  • Regardless of the above signs, it’s recommended to have your fire extinguisher professionally inspected by a qualified technician at least annually.
  • This inspection will not only check the pressure and refill the extinguisher if necessary, but also ensure all components are functioning correctly and there are no leaks or damage.

Additional Tips:

  • Familiarize yourself with the specific type of fire extinguisher you have in your home or workplace. Different extinguishers may have slightly different maintenance requirements.
  • Never attempt to refill a fire extinguisher yourself. It’s a job for a trained professional who can ensure it’s done safely and properly.
  • Keep a record of your fire extinguisher’s inspection and refill dates. This will help you stay on top of maintenance and ensure your extinguisher is always ready to use.

Why Choose Cyusa Tech for Fire Extinguisher Refills?

At Cyusa Tech (visit our website:, your safety is our priority. We use only high-quality materials for our fire extinguisher refills, ensuring your extinguisher functions optimally in case of a fire. Our certified and experienced technicians provide fast and reliable service.

Putting Fire Safety First

By understanding how to use a fire extinguisher and keeping them properly refilled, you’re taking a significant step towards fire safety. For more information on fire safety and prevention, visit the website of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) ( If you have any questions about fire extinguishers or refill services, contact Cyusa Tech today! We’re here to help keep you and your loved ones safe.

CYUSA TECH | Fire Extinguishers in Kigali: Stay Prepared with Cyusa Tech's Refills & Training
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